Author Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety

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Struthers-RtPP-R4Respect.pdf.jpg2019R4Respect: Lessons from a peer-to-peer respectful relationships education program Key findings and future directionsAustralia's National Research Organisation for Women's SafetyReport 
ANROWS_Impacts-on-DFV-on-Children_2ed.pdf.jpg2018Research Summary: The impacts of domestic and family violence on childrenAustralia's National Research Organisation for Women's SafetyReport 
ANROWS_Impacts-on-DFV-on-Children_2ed.pdf.jpg2018Research summary: The impacts of domestic and family violence on childrenAustralia's National Research Organisation for Women's SafetyReport 
DV-Housing-Homelessness-Synthesis-2_Ed_.pdf.jpg2019Research Synthesis: Domestic and family violence, housing insecurity and homelessnessAustralia's National Research Organisation for Women's SafetyReport 
IPSV-Research-Synthesis-2ed.pdf.jpg2019Research Synthesis: Intimate partner sexual violenceAustralia's National Research Organisation for Women's SafetyReport 
ANROWS-Aboriginal-Torres-Strait-Islander-Speci.pdf.jpg2018Resources to address violence against women in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communitiesAustralia's National Research Organisation for Women's SafetyReport 
ANROWS-RtPP-Humphreys-STACY_children.pdf.jpg2020Safe & Together Addressing ComplexitY for Children (STACY for Children): Key findings and future directionsAustralia's National Research Organisation for Women's SafetyReport 
Parenting_factsheet2_Separation-inter-parental-conflict.pdf.jpg2017Separation, inter-parental conflict, and family and domestic violence: Impact and support needs. Fact sheetAustralia's National Research Organisation for Women's SafetyFact Sheet 
ANROWS-RtPP-Kungas.pdf.jpg2020Telling life stories: Exploring the connection between trauma and incarceration for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women: Key findings and future directionsAustralia's National Research Organisation for Women's SafetyReport 
2023Towards meaningful engagement: Key findings for survivor co-production of public policy on gender-based violenceWheildon, Lisa; Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety; ANROWSReport 
ANROWS-Blagg-Law_and_culture-RtPP.pdf.jpg2020Understanding the role of Law and Culture in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in responding to and preventing family violence:Key findings and future directionsAustralia's National Research Organisation for Women's SafetyReport 
ANROWS-Fitz-Gibbon_RtPP.pdf.jpg2020The views of Australian judicial officers on domestic and family violence perpetrator interventions:Key findings and future directionsAustralia's National Research Organisation for Women's SafetyReport 
ANROWS_VAW-Accurate-Use-of-Key-Statistics_1.pdf.jpg2018Violence against women : accurate use of key statisticsAustralia's National Research Organisation for Women's SafetyReport 
VAW-MH-Synthesis-ANROWS-Insights(1).pdf.jpg2020Violence against women and mental health : research synthesisAustralia's National Research Organisation for Women's SafetyReport 
ANROWS-RtPP-valentine-parentschildren-DFV.pdf.jpg2020Violence prevention and early intervention for mothers and children with disability: Building promising practice Key findings and future directionsAustralia's National Research Organisation for Women's SafetyReport 
RP_17_10_RtPP_Women-who-kill-abusive-partners.pdf.jpg2019Women who kill abusive partners: Understandings of intimate partner violence in the context of self-defenceAustralia's National Research Organisation for Women's SafetyReport 
ANROWS-Imprisonment-DFV-Synthesis_1.pdf.jpg2020Women’s imprisonment and domestic, family and sexual violence : research synthesisAustralia's National Research Organisation for Women's SafetyReport 
ANROWS_RtPP_QoL-Indicators_(1).pdf.jpg2020Women’s quality of life as a measure of effectiveness of perpetrator interventions: Key findings and future directionsAustralia's National Research Organisation for Women's SafetyReport