Author Green, Damian

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Chung-RR-Improved-Accountability.pdf.jpg2020Improved accountability: The role of perpetrator intervention systemsWilkes-Gillan, Sarah; Green, Damian; Pracilio, Amy; Young, Amy; Gore, Ashlee; Watts, Lynelle; Speyer, Renee; Bissett, Tallace; Anderson, Sarah; Mahoney, Natasha; Chung, Donna; Upton-Davis, Karen; Cordier, Reinie; Campbell, Elena; Wong, Tim; Salter, Michael; Austen, Siobhan; O'Leary, Patrick; Breckenridge, Jan; Vlais, RodneyReport 
2018National survey of workers in the domestic, family and sexual violence sectorsChen, Yu-wei; Cortis, Natasha; Blaxland, Megan; Breckenridge, Jan; valentine, kylie; Mahoney, Natasha; Chung, Donna; Cordier, Reinie; Green, DamianReport 
Prioritising-victim-survivor-safety-in-PI-Practice_guide.pdf.jpg2020Practice guide: Prioritising victim/survivor safety in Australian perpetrator interventionsGreen, Damian; Chung, Donna; Vlais, RodneyReport 
ANROWS_CHUNG-et-al_Partner-contact.pdf.jpg2020Prioritising women’s safety in Australian perpetrator interventions: The purpose and practices of partner contactChung, Donna; Vlais, Rodney; Green, Damian; Anderson, SarahReport 
reporting-mbcp-outcomes-to-courts-final-april-2022.pdf.jpg2022Reporting outcomes from change-focused family violence perpetrator program work with court referrals – A discussion paperGreen, Damian; Vlais, Rodney; Campbell, ElenaReport 
signposts-for-mbcp-reporting-final-april-2022.pdf.jpg2022Signposts for assessing and reporting family and domestic violence perpetrator behaviour changeGreen, Damian; Vlais, Rodney; Campbell, ElenaReport 
2018Standards of practice in domestic and family violence behaviour change programs in Australia and New ZealandGreen, Damian; Day, Andrew; Vlais, Rodney; Chung, DonnaJournal Article