Author Powell, Anastasia

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2015Digital harassment and abuse of adult Australians : a summary reportHenry, Nicola; Powell, AnastasiaReport 
2015Digital harrassment and abuse of adult Australians : a summary reportHenry, Nicola; Powell, AnastasiaReport 
2011Domestic violence : Australian public policyMurray, Suellen; Powell, AnastasiaNon-Fiction 
2015Embodied harms : gender, shame, and technology-facilitated sexual violencePowell, Anastasia; Henry, NicolaJournal Article 
2007Family violence prevention using workplaces as sites of interventionMurray, Suellen; Powell, AnastasiaJournal Article 
2007Family violence prevention using workplaces as sites of interventionPowell, Anastasia; Murray, SuellenJournal Article 
NCAS_2021-Social_Norms_Feasibility.pdf.jpg2020Feasibility study into the possible inclusion of social norms measures within the 2021 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS)Powell, Anastasia; McCook, SarahReport 
2007For the sake of the children?: children, domestic violence and public policyMurray, Suellen; Powell, AnastasiaJournal Article 
2021How are gender inequality and violence against women related? Findings from a population-level community attitudes surveyFlood, Michael; Ward, Andrew; Diemer, Kristin; Honey, Nikki; Stubbs, Julie; Powell, Anastasia; Politoff, Violeta Marticorena; Morgan, Jenny; Webster, KimJournal Article 
2016"I think it's rape and I think he would be found not guilty": Focus group perceptions of (un)reasonable belief in consent in rape lawPowell, Anastasia; Henry, Nicola; Hanley, Natalia; Larcombe, Wendy; Fileborn, BiancaJournal Article 
2019Image-based sexual abuse : victims and perpetratorsPowell, Anastasia; Henry, Nicola; Flynn, Asher; Australian Institute of CriminologyReport 
2020Image-based sexual abuse: A study on the causes and consequences of non-consensual nude or sexual imageryHenry, Nicola; Scott, Adrian J; Powell, Anastasia; McGlynn, Clare; Flynn, Asher; Johnson, Kellybook 
2018Image-based sexual abuse: The extent, nature, and predictors of perpetration in a community sample of Australian residentsPowell, Anastasia; Scott, Adrian J; Flynn, Asher; Henry, NicolaJournal Article 
2020‘It’s Torture for the Soul’: The Harms of Image-Based Sexual AbuseMcGlynn, Clare; Johnson, Kelly; Rackley, Erika; Henry, Nicola; Gavey, Nicola; Flynn, Asher; Powell, AnastasiaJournal Article 
2020‘It’s Torture for the Soul’: The Harms of Image-Based Sexual AbuseJohnson, Kelly; Henry, Nicola; McGlynn, Clare; Rackley, Erika; Powell, Anastasia; Flynn, Asher; Gavey, NicolaJournal Article 
2016Legalising sex work: The regulation of 'risk' in Australian prostitution law reformPowell, Anastasia; Nagy, VictoriaJournal Article 
2017_NCAS_Methodology_Report_1.pdf.jpg2018Methodology report: Survey redevelopment and implementation of the 2017 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS)Stubbs, Julie; Honey, Nikki; Mannix, Samantha; Mickle, Justine; Morgan, Jenny; Parkes, Alexandra; Politoff, Violeta Marticorena; Powell, Anastasia; Ward, Andrew; Webster, Kim; Diemer, KristinReport 
2012More than ready : bystander action to prevent violence against women in the Victorian communityPowell, AnastasiaReport 
2017_NCAS_Methodology_Report_Appendicies_1.pdf.jpg2018National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS) : methodology report appendicesStubbs, Julie; Honey, Nikki; Mannix, Samantha; Mickle, Justine; Morgan, Jenny; Parkes, Alexandra; Politoff, Violeta Marticorena; Powell, Anastasia; Ward, Andrew; Webster, Kim; Diemer, KristinReport 
2021The Palgrave handbook of gendered violence and technologyPowell, Anastasia; Flynn, Asher; Sugiura, Lisatext