Author Stuart, Gregory L

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2012Dating violence prevention programming: directions for future interventionsFebres, Jeniimarie; Shorey, Ryan C; Zucoskey, Heather; Brasfield, Hope; Cornelius, Tara L; Stuart, Gregory L; Sage, ChelseaJournal Article 
2015Dispositional mindulness as a moderator of the relationship between perceived partner infidelity and women's dating violence perpetrationWolford-Clevenger, Caitlin; Elmquist, JoAnna; Brem, Meagan J; Zapor, Heather; Stuart, Gregory L; Shorey, RyanJournal Article 
2011Drinking style and dating violence in a sample of urban, alcohol-using youthVinci, Robert; Stuart, Gregory L; Greenbaum, Paul E; Heeren, Timothy; Bowen, Deborah J; Baughman, Allyson L; Bernstein, Judith; Rothman, Emily FJournal Article 
2007Predicting the use of aggressive conflict tactics in a sample of women arrested for domestic violenceMoore, Todd M; Hughes, Farrah M; Gordon, Kristina Coop; Stuart, Gregory LJournal Article 
2012The prevalence of mental health problems in men arrested for domestic violenceFebres, Jeniimarie; Stuart, Gregory L; Brasfield, Hope; Shorey, Ryan CJournal Article 
2013Randomized clinical trial examining the incremental efficacy of a 90-minute motivational alcohol intervention as an adjunct to standard batterer intervention for menMoore, Todd M; Shorey, Ryan C; Stuart, Gregory LJournal Article 
2003Reductions in marital violence following treatment for alcohol dependenceRamsey, Susan E; Stuart, Gregory L; Moore, Todd MJournal Article 
2015The relationship between family-of-origin violence, hostility, and intimate partner violence in men arrested for domestic violence : testing a mediational modelWolford-Clevenger, Caitlin; Ninnemann, Andrew; Zapor, Heather; Febres, Jeniimarie; Plasencia, Maribel; Stuart, Gregory L; Temple, Jeff R; Elmquist, JoAnna; Shorey, Ryan; Labrecque, LindsayJournal Article 
2005Testing a theoretical model of the relationship between impulsivity, mediating variables, and husband violenceStuart, Gregory L; Holtzworth-Munroe, AmyJournal Article