Author valentine, kylie

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2020Ending homelessness in Australia: A redesigned homelessness service systemSpinney, Angela; Beer, Andrew; MacKenzie, David; McNelis, Sean; Meltzer, Ariella; Muir, Kristy; Peters, Andrew; valentine, kylieJournal Article 
1800RESPECT-Evaluation_20200219-wp-4496.pdf.jpg2020Evaluation of 1800RESPECT – Final ReportCortis, Natasha; Giuntoli, Gianfranco; Smyth, Ciara; Cama, Elena; valentine, kylie; Breckenridge, JanReport 
Evaluation_of_the_Keeping_Women_Safe_Private_Rental_Initiative.pdf.jpg2019Evaluation of the Keeping Women Safe – Private Rental InitiativeBlunden, Hazel; Jops, Paula; valentine, kylieReport 
Evaluation_of_the_technology_trial_Keeping_Women_Safe_in_Their_Homes_.pdf.jpg2019Evaluation of the technology trial (Keeping Women Safe in Their Homes)Jops, Paula; valentine, kylie; Broady, Timothy; Gendera, Sandra; Breckenridge, JanReport 
2013Final Evaluation Report for Long-Term Accommodation and Support for Women and Children Experiencing Domestic and Family ViolenceHamer, J; Breckenridge, J; valentine, kylie; Newton, B.JReport 
2019Housing outcomes after domestic and family violencevalentine, kylie; Henriette, Jane; Flanagan, Kathleen; Blunden, HazelReport 
2020Inquiry into integrated housing support for vulnerable familiesFlanagan, Kathleen; martin, chris; valentine, kylie; Cripps, Kylie; Habibis, Daphne; Blunden, HazelReport 
H4_3_2_IRME_WEB-270616-1.pdf.jpg2016Meta-evaluation of existing interagency partnerships, collaboration, coordination and/or integrated interventions and service responses to violence against women : final reportMurray, Samantha; Breckenridge, Jan; Rees, Susan; valentine, kylieReport 
C2_4_2-IRME-WEB-1.pdf.jpg2014Meta-evaluation of existing interagency partnerships, collaboration, coordination and/or integrated interventions and service responses to violence against women : Key findings and future directionsRees, Susan; Murray, Samantha; valentine, kylie; Breckenridge, JanReport 
Integrated-Responses-Meta-Evaluation-Landscapes-State-of-knowledge-Issue-Eleven-1.pdf.jpg2015Meta-evaluation of existing interagency partnerships, collaboration, coordination and/or integrated interventions and service responses to violence against women: State of knowledge paperRees, Susan; Breckenridge, Jan; Murray, Samantha; valentine, kylieReport 
2018National survey of workers in the domestic, family and sexual violence sectorsChen, Yu-wei; Cortis, Natasha; Blaxland, Megan; Breckenridge, Jan; valentine, kylie; Mahoney, Natasha; Chung, Donna; Cordier, Reinie; Green, DamianReport 
2022The nature and extent of domestic and family violence exposure for children and young people with disabilityBrebner, Chris; Lima, Fernando; O'Donnell, Melissa; Orr, Carol; Arney, Fiona; Moore, Tim; Robinson, Sally; valentine, kylie; Marshall, Amy; Burton, Jala; Octoman, Olivia; Hawkes, MartineReport 
2013NSW Homelessness Action Plan Extended Evaluation Greater Western Sydney HAP Domestic Violence Project Final ReportHamer, J; Breckenridge, J; valentine, kylie; Newton, B.JReport 
2021Organisational policies and responses to employee disclosures of domestic and family violence and sexual assault: What constitutes best practice?Breckenridge, Jan; Singh, Sara; Lyons, Georgia; valentine, kylieJournal Article 
2021Organisational policies and responses to employee disclosures of domestic and family violence and sexual assault: What constitutes best practice?Singh, Sara; valentine, kylie; Lyons, Georgia; Breckenridge, JanJournal Article 
2023Prioritising children and young people with disability in research about domestic and family violence: Methodological, ethical and pragmatic reflectionsMoore, Tim; Robinson, Sally; Foley, Kristen; valentine, kylie; Brebner, Chris; O'Donnell, Melissa; Marshall, Amy; Burton, JalaJournal Article 
2011Protecting Australia's children research audit (1995–2010) : final reportHiggins, Daryl; Lamont, Alister; valentine, kylie; McDonald, MyfanwyReport 
2016Responses to family and domestic violence : supporting women?Breckenridge, Jan; valentine, kylieJournal Article 
Revisiting-safe-at-home-responses-to-domestic-and-family-violence-Jan-Breckenridge-kylie-valentine-Kyllie-Cripps-National-Housing-Conference-2019-Darwin.pdf.jpg2019Revisiting Safe at Home Responses to Domestic and Family Violence – what factors contribute to better safety and housing outcomes for women?Cripps, Kyllie; valentine, kylie; Breckenridge, JanReport 
2021The significance of technology as both a resource in enhancing safety, and a means of perpetrating violence: The implications for policy and practiceBreckenridge, Jan; Gendera, Sandra; valentine, kylieJournal Article