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Feb-2023Intimate Partner Violence among Current and Ex-Serving Australian Defence Force Personnel and Families: Summary of FindingsPhoenix Australia: Centre for Posttraumatic Mental HealthFact sheet
29382_29382-indigenous-compendium-2015.pdf.jpg2015Report on Government Services 2015: Indigenous CompendiumSteering Committee for the Review of Government Service ProvisionReport
oid-2016-overcoming-indigenous-disadvantage-key-indicators-2016-report.pdf.jpg2016Overcoming Indigenous disadvantage : key indicators 2016 : reportSteering Committee for the Review of Government Service ProvisionReport
223029.pdf.jpg2007Introducing the impact of domestic violence on children into a batterer program curriculum : does an emphasis on the kids improve the response?Safe HorizonReport
2021Community-led culture-centered prevention of family violence and sexual violenceLiu, Jie; Nematollahi, Negin; Teikmata-Tito, Christina; Raharuhi, Ihaia; Kake-O'Meara, Claire; Sharif, Akbar Shah Bin Mohd; Bray, Stephen; Zorn, Andee; Dutta, Mohan; Jayan, Pooja; Elers, Christine; Rahman, Mahbubur Md; Whittfield, Francine; Elers, Phoebe; Metuamate, Selina; Pokaia, Venessa; Jackson, De'Anne; Kerr, Bronwyn; Hashim, ShakilaReport
2020The impact of rurality on women's 'space for action' in domestic violence: Findings from a meta-synthesisHarris, Bridget; Farhall, Kate; Woodlock, DelanieJournal Article
2004Stalking in the context of domestic violence: findings on the criminal justice systemMelton, Heather CJournal Article
2010Do differing types of victimization and coping strategies influence the type of social reactions experienced by current victims of intimate partner violence?Dudley, Desreen N; Dixon, Julia M; Sullivan, Tami P; Schroeder, Jennifer AJournal Article
2003Hearing only half of the story by leaving out half of the violenceGoddard, Chris; Stanley, JanetConference Paper
2007Fifth annual report of the Domestic Violence Death Review CommitteeOffice of the Chief CoronerReport