Subject: ANROWS Notepad 2022 October 12

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2022Domestic and family violence for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities in Australia during COVID-19 pandemicRobinson, Kim; Afrouz, RojanJournal Article 
2022Domestic violence perpetrator programmes and neurodiversityFitz-Gibbon, Kate; Renehan, NicoleReport 
2022Domestic violence screening in a Public Mental Health Service: A qualitative examination of mental health clinician responses to DFVBranjerdporn, Grace; Carrasco, Angel; Tighe, Kym; Gillespie, Kerri; Baird, KathleenJournal Article 
2022Domestic, family, and sexual violence: ReaderCentre for Women's Safety and WellbeingReport 
2022Evaluation of the Pre-court Support for Adolescents using Violence In The Home (AVITH) PilotCampbell, Elena; Ellard, Riley; Hew, Eliza; Simpson, MatildaReport 
2022Housing provision for women experiencing domestic and family violence in NSW during COVID-19Wan, Kim; Quintana Vigiola, Gabriela; Donnelly, SamanthaJournal Article 
2022In control, out of control or losing control? Making sense of men's reported experiences of coercive control through the lens of hegemonic masculinityFitz-Gibbon, Kate; Meyer, Silke; Reeves, Ellen; Walklate, Sandra; McGowan, JasmineJournal Article 
2021‘It’s a gendered Issue, 100 per cent’: How tough bail laws entrench gender and racial inequality and social disadvantageRussell, Emma K.; Tyson, Danielle; Carlton, BreeJournal Article 
2022Major sports events and domestic violence: A systematic reviewHooker, Leesa; Forsdike, Kirsty; O'Sullivan, GrantJournal Article 
2022Prevention of family violence in the Northern Territory: An Analysis of Aboriginal-led InitiativesVukovic, JovanaThesis