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1985The justice system's response to domestic assault cases : a guide for policy developmentPence, Ellen; Galaway, BurtNon-Fiction 
1986An annual rhythm in the battering of womenZumpe, Doris; Michael, Richard PJournal Article 
1986Homicide : the social realityWallace, AlisonReport 
1986Nursing assessment for risk of homicide with battered womenCampbell, Jacquelyn CJournal Article 
1988Community attitudes towards domestic violence in Australia : social survey reportPublic Policy Research CentreReport 
1988Beyond these walls : report of the Queensland Domestic Violence Task Force : summaryMatchett, RuthReport 
1988Beyond these wallsMatchett, RuthReport 
1989Domestic violence and the police - who is being protected? : a rural Australian viewCoorey, LylaThesis 
1989Report on batterers' programmes : to the New South Wales Domestic Violence CommitteeMcFerran, LudoReport 
1990Violence : directions for AustraliaNational Committee on ViolenceNon-Fiction 
1990The mutual-help group : a therapeutic program for women who have been abused : a reference manualParoissien, Karen; Condonis, Margaret; Aldrich, BarbaraNon-Fiction 
1990Read my lips : No : Sex without consent is a crime!Commonwealth of AustraliaPoster 
1990Sex without consent is a crime!Commonwealth of AustraliaPoster 
1991Forum papers[written by Julie Stewart ... et al.]Conference Paper 
1991Mapping the margins: intersectionality, identity politics and violence against women of colorCrenshaw, KimberleJournal Article 
1991Programs for perpetrators of domestic violenceNSW domestic violence strategic planTownsend, LynneJournal Article 
1991Costs of domestic violenceNSW domestic violence strategic planLeonard, Helen; Cox, EvaReport 
1991Aboriginal women and the lawPayne, SharonConference Paper 
1992Battered women's concerns about their children witnessing wife assaultHilton, N ZoeJournal Article 
1992Desperately seeking justice : a resource and training manual on violence against women in a culturally diverse communityGonzalez, Mirta; Orlando, Diana; Gilmore, Katebook