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Record ID: a075c45d-ec86-4cb6-90ed-66b05997e6d0
Type: Report
Title: Beyond these walls : report of the Queensland Domestic Violence Task Force : summary
Authors: Matchett, Ruth
Keywords: Legal issues;Indigenous issues;Prevention;Policing;Housing;CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse);Impact on children and young people;Criminal justice responses;Overview;Policy
Topic: Policing and legal responses
Year: 1988
Publisher: Dept. of Family Services
Notes:  Summary of the report of the Queensland Domestic Violence Task Force which was appointed by the Queensland Government in September 1987 to investigate the problem of domestic violence and to recommend ways in which the phenomenon could be curtailed or prevented, and those affected assisted most effectively. "Beyond these walls" documents the activities of the task force, arrives at conclusions concerning the nature of domestic violence, and makes recommendations for the prevention and amelioration of the problem in Queensland.
Physical description: 39p ; 30cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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