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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Desc order): 1 to 20 of 2600
2022The effectiveness of interventions for perpetrators of domestic and family violence: An overview of findings from reviewsBell, Charlotte; Coates, DominiekReport 
2023Men’s behaviour change programs: A pilot program incorporating nature-based interventionBoddy, Jennifer; Young, Amy; O’Leary, Patrick; Mazerolle, PaulReport 
2024Peer support baseline report: Tangentyere Council Her Story MparntweBrown, Chay; Spitzkowsky, FionaReport 
unlocking-prevention-potential.pdf.jpg2024Unlocking the Prevention Potential: Accelerating action to end domestic, family, and sexual violenceCampbell, Elena; Fernando, Todd; Gassner, Leigh; Hill, Jess; Seidler, Zac; Summers, AnneReport 
4AP.5-Carlson-What-works-A-qualitative-exploration-of-Aboriginal-and-Torres-Strait-Islander-healing-programs-that-respond-to-family-violence-2024.pdf.jpg2024What works? A qualitative exploration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healing programs that respond to family violenceCarlson, Bronwyn; Day, Madi; Farrelly, TerriReport 
Evaluation of UC Men Behaviour Change Programs Report Stage 3.pdf.jpg2022Men choosing change evaluation: Longer term program outcomes - Stage three reportCarswell, Sue; Taylor, AnnabelReport 
2020Prioritising women’s safety in Australian perpetrator interventions: The purpose and practices of partner contactChung, Donna; Anderson, Sarah; Green, Damian; Vlais, RodneyReport 
2020Improved accountability: The role of perpetrator intervention systemsChung, Donna; Upton-Davis, Karen; Cordier, Reinie; Campbell, Elena; Wong, Tim; Salter, Michael; Austen, Siobhan; O’Leary, Patrick; Breckenridge, Jan; Vlais, Rodney; Green, Damian; Pracilio, Amy; Young, Amy; Gore, Ashlee; Watts, Lynelle; Wilkes-Gillan, Sarah; Speyer, Renée; Mahoney, Natasha; Anderson, Sarah; Bissett, TallaceReport 
2018National survey of workers in the domestic, family and sexual violence sectorsCortis, Natasha; Blaxland, Megan; Breckenridge, Jan; valentine, kylie; Mahoney, Natasha; Chung, Donna; Cordier, Reinie; Chen, Yu-wei; Green, DamianReport 
2019Evaluation readiness, program quality and outcomes in men’s behaviour change programsDay, Andrew; Vlais, Rodney; Chung, Donna; Green, Damian JohnReport 
2021Strengthening spirit and culture: Cost-benefit analysis of Dardi Munwurro men’s healing programsDeloitte Access EconomicsReport 
2020Caring Dads program: Helping fathers value their children – Three site independent evaluation 2017-2020Diemer, Kristin; Humphreys, Cathy; Fogden, Larissa; Gallant, David; Spiteri-Staines, Anneliese; Bornemisza, Anna; Vercoe, ElizabethReport 
2023Monitoring Victoria's family violence reforms: Service response for perpetrators and people using violence within the familyFamily Violence Reform Implementation MonitorReport 
2020Best practice principles for interventions with domestic and family violence perpetrators from refugee backgroundsFisher, Colleen; Martin, Karen; Wood, Lisa; Lang, Elizabeth; Pearman, AprilReport 
2023"When you speak the language you’ve already actually crossed that first hurdle": A review of the inTouch Motivation for Change programFitz-Gibbon, Kate; Helps, Nicola; Tan, S. J.Report 
2020The views of Australian judicial officers on domestic and family violence perpetrator interventionsFitz-Gibbon, Kate; Maher, JaneMaree; Thomas, Kate; McGowan, Jasmine; McCulloch, Jude; Burley, Jessica; Pfitzner, NaomiReport 
Engaging in Change (2024) Final Report.pdf.jpg2024Engaging in change: A Victorian study of perpetrator program attrition and participant engagement in men’s behaviour change programsFitz-Gibbon, Kate; McGowan, Jasmine; Helps, Nicola; Ralph, BrittanyReport 
2020Developing LGBTQ programs for perpetrators and victims/survivors of domestic and family violenceGray, Rebecca; Walker, Tommy; Hamer, Jen; Broady, Timothy; Kean, Jessica; Ling, Joycelyn; Bear, BrandonReport 
2018Invisible practices: Intervention with fathers who use violenceHealey, Lucy; Humphreys, Cathy; Tsantefski, Menka; Heward-Belle, Susan; Mandel, DavidReport 
IPSV report_13.03.23.pdf.jpg2023Let’s Talk About Sex: Exploring Practitioners’ Views on Discussing Intimate Partner Sexual Violence in Domestic and Family Violence Perpetrator Intervention ProgramsHelps, Nicola; Conner, Mackenzie Divine; Montgomery, Isobel; Petocz, HannahReport 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Desc order): 1 to 20 of 2600