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Record ID: aa020f11-eacb-4568-94bc-57cf6b54717d
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Type: Report
Title: National survey of workers in the domestic, family and sexual violence sectors
Authors: Cortis, Natasha
Blaxland, Megan
Breckenridge, Jan
valentine, kylie
Mahoney, Natasha
Chung, Donna
Cordier, Reinie
Chen, Yu-wei
Green, Damian
Keywords: Quantitative Research;Training and Professional Development;Domestic, Family, and Sexual Violence Services;Domestic and Family Violence (DFV);Sexual Violence;Practitioner Expertise
Year: 2018
Publisher: Social Policy Research Centre and Gendered Violence Research Network, UNSW Sydney
Abstract:  This report presents findings from the National Survey of Workers in the Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Sectors, conducted by the Social Policy Research Centre and the Gendered Violence Research Network at UNSW Sydney. Commissioned by the Department of Social Services, the study explores the characteristics, experiences, and training needs of practitioners working with victim-survivors and perpetrators of violence across Australia. Using survey data from 1,157 workers and 320 service leaders, the report examines workforce demographics, job quality, professional development, and sector sustainability. Key findings highlight high levels of commitment among workers, significant gaps in training and supervision, widespread concerns about sector resourcing, and high exposure to workplace stress and vicarious trauma. The report provides recommendations to inform workforce development strategies, including enhanced training pathways, increased supervision support, and sustainable service funding to improve practitioner wellbeing and retention.
Notes:  Open access
Appears in Collections:Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)

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