Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs) : [109] Collection home page

This curated list serves as the reference list for the ANROWS publication The role of men’s behaviour change programs in addressing men’s use of domestic, family and sexual violence: An evidence brief. Beyond its function as a citation list, it is also a valuable resource for anyone interested in men’s behaviour change programs (MBCPs). The collection includes key research, policy reports, and program evaluations that explore the effectiveness, challenges, and broader system responses associated with MBCPs. Whether you are a practitioner, researcher, or policymaker, this list provides a strong foundation for understanding current evidence and approaches in perpetrator interventions.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Desc order): 1 to 20 of 109
2020Are interventions with batterers effective? A meta-analytical reviewArce, Ramón; Arias, Esther; Novo, Mercedes; Fariña, FranciscaJournal Article 
2025Quality practice elements for men’s behaviour change programs (MBCPs) in the Northern TerritoryAustralia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS)Report 
2024Which battering interventions work? An updated meta-analytic review of intimate partner violence treatment outcome researchBabcock, Julia C.; Gallagher, Matthew W.; Richardson, Angela; Godfrey, D. Andrew; Reeves, Victoria E.; D'Souza, JohanJournal Article 
2011Cognitive behavior therapy: Basics and beyondBeck, Judith S.Book 
2022The effectiveness of interventions for perpetrators of domestic and family violence: An overview of findings from reviewsBell, Charlotte; Coates, DominiekReport 
2023Men’s behaviour change programs: A pilot program incorporating nature-based interventionBoddy, Jennifer; Young, Amy; O’Leary, Patrick; Mazerolle, PaulReport 
2021Pathways to engagement: An exploratory qualitative analysis of factors that facilitate men’s engagement in IPV intervention programsBouchard, Jessica; Wong, Jennifer S.Journal Article 
2017‘I miss my little one a lot’: How father love motivates change in men who have used violenceBroady, Timothy R.; Gray, Rebecca; Gaffney, Irene; Lewis, PamelaJournal Article 
2024Peer support baseline report: Tangentyere Council Her Story MparntweBrown, Chay; Spitzkowsky, FionaReport 
unlocking-prevention-potential.pdf.jpg2024Unlocking the Prevention Potential: Accelerating action to end domestic, family, and sexual violenceCampbell, Elena; Fernando, Todd; Gassner, Leigh; Hill, Jess; Seidler, Zac; Summers, AnneReport 
2021What works? Exploring the literature on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healing programs that respond to family violenceCarlson, Bronwyn; Day, Madi; Farrelly, TerriReport 
4AP.5-Carlson-What-works-A-qualitative-exploration-of-Aboriginal-and-Torres-Strait-Islander-healing-programs-that-respond-to-family-violence-2024.pdf.jpg2024What works? A qualitative exploration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healing programs that respond to family violenceCarlson, Bronwyn; Day, Madi; Farrelly, TerriReport 
2009Evaluating contracted domestic violence programs: Standardisation and organisational cultureCarson, Ed; Chung, Donna; Day, AndrewJournal Article 
Evaluation of UC Men Behaviour Change Programs Report Stage 3.pdf.jpg2022Men choosing change evaluation: Longer term program outcomes - Stage three reportCarswell, Sue; Taylor, AnnabelReport 
2021Compared to what? A meta-analysis of batterer intervention studies using nontreated controls or comparisonsCheng, Shih-Ying; Davis, Maxine; Jonson-Reid, Melissa; Yaeger, LaurenJournal Article 
2020Prioritising women’s safety in Australian perpetrator interventions: The purpose and practices of partner contactChung, Donna; Anderson, Sarah; Green, Damian; Vlais, RodneyReport 
2020Improved accountability: The role of perpetrator intervention systemsChung, Donna; Upton-Davis, Karen; Cordier, Reinie; Campbell, Elena; Wong, Tim; Salter, Michael; Austen, Siobhan; O’Leary, Patrick; Breckenridge, Jan; Vlais, Rodney; Green, Damian; Pracilio, Amy; Young, Amy; Gore, Ashlee; Watts, Lynelle; Wilkes-Gillan, Sarah; Speyer, Renée; Mahoney, Natasha; Anderson, Sarah; Bissett, TallaceReport 
2018National survey of workers in the domestic, family and sexual violence sectorsCortis, Natasha; Blaxland, Megan; Breckenridge, Jan; valentine, kylie; Mahoney, Natasha; Chung, Donna; Cordier, Reinie; Chen, Yu-wei; Green, DamianReport 
2009Reducing domestic violence and other criminal recidivism: Effectiveness of a multilevel batterers intervention programCoulter, Martha; VandeWeerd, CarlaJournal Article 
2023Attitudes matter: The 2021 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS), Findings for AustraliaCoumarelos, Christine; Weeks, Nicole; Bernstein, Shireen; Roberts, Natalie; Honey, Nikki; Minter, Kate; Carlisle, ErinReport 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Desc order): 1 to 20 of 109