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Record ID: 092262c5-77b0-445f-ab56-cd960f77c188
Type: Journal Article
Title: ‘I miss my little one a lot’: How father love motivates change in men who have used violence
Authors: Broady, Timothy R.
Gray, Rebecca
Gaffney, Irene
Lewis, Pamela
Keywords: International Perspectives;Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation;People who use Domestic, Family, or Sexual Violence;Children and Young People;Behaviour Change Programs;Parenting and Families;Impacts of Violence;Perpetrator Interventions;Pathways into and out of Perpetration;Domestic and Family Violence (DFV)
Topic: Children and young people
Perpetrator interventions
Population: Children and young people
People who use domestic, family and sexual violence
Year: 2017
Abstract:  This paper presents selected findings from a research-based evaluation of a men's domestic violence intervention program aimed at assisting men in developing alternative ways of relating to their partners, children, and others. The qualitative component of the evaluation involved interviews with 21 group participants after completing the program, investigating several issues, including their perceptions of relationships with their children.

The primary theme that emerged from discussions was the expression of love, with fathers identifying their love for their children as a key motivation to stop using violence and develop alternative ways of relating to their families. The study highlights the potential for father-child relationships to serve as powerful motivators for behavioural change. Recognising the impact of violent behaviour on children’s wellbeing and father-child relationships, the study argues that intervention programs can support men in adopting non-violent parenting approaches and safeguarding children from long-term consequences of domestic abuse.
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Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)

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