Subject: Adults

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2006Brutal neglect: Australian rural women's access to health servicesRitter, L; Georgias, D; Moore, E; Jennett, C; Gibson, R; Harris, J; Wallace, J; Grantley, J; Alston, M; Allan, J; Dietsch, E; Wilkinson, J; Shankar, J; Osburn, L; Bell, K; Muenstermann, IJournal Article 
2006Building healthy and equitable societies: what Australia can contribute to and learn from the Commission on Social Determinants of HealthBaum, F; Simpson, SJournal Article 
2006Can screening for domestic violence be introduced successfully in a sexual health clinic?McNulty, Anna; Bonner, Michelle; Andrews, PaulJournal Article 
2004Childhood adversity in an Australian populationRosenman, S; Rodgers, BJournal Article 
2006Current issues in the use of colposcopy for examination of sexual assault victimsTempleton, D. J; Williams, AJournal Article 
2008Depression and termination of pregnancy (induced abortion) in a national cohort of young Australian women: The confounding effect of women's experience of violenceTaft, A J; Watson, L. FJournal Article 
2007Domestic violence against women in their childbearing years: A review of the literatureO'Reilly, RJournal Article 
2006Domestic violence, health & health care: women's accounts of their experiencesRowe, J; Wallis, M; Tower, M; McMurray, AJournal Article 
2007Emergency department care of women experiencing intimate partner violence: Are we doing all we can?Reisenhofer, S; Seibold, CJournal Article 
2001A follow-up study of posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression in Australian victims of domestic violenceMertin, P; Mohr, P. BJournal Article 
2004Genital injuries in women reporting sexual assaultMcNulty, A. M; Donovan, B; D'Este, C; Palme, C. MJournal Article 
2011Health professionals' perceptions of sexual assault management: A Delphi StudyPhillips, M; Meuleners, L; Jancey, JJournal Article 
2011The identification of implicit theories in domestic violence perpetratorsDempsey, B; Day, AJournal Article 
2007The impact of sexual coercion on psychological, physical, and sexual well-being in a representative sample of australian womenRichters, J; Smith, A. M. A; de Visser, R O; Rissel, C. EJournal Article 
2006Impact on callers to a men's domestic violence helpline [1]Zappelli, R; Donovan, R J; Gibbons, L; Francas, MJournal Article 
2009Inadequate cervical cancer screening among mid-aged Australian women who have experienced partner violenceHussain, R; Hosking, S; Loxton, D; Powers, J; Schofield, MJournal Article 
2007Indigenous women's health: An Australasian perspectiveClark, KJournal Article 
2002Intimate partner violence finally a 'legitimate' public health issueAstbury, JJournal Article 
2000Lifetime prevalence of trauma among homeless people in SydneyTeesson, M; Buhrich, N; Hodder, TJournal Article 
2006Lovestruck: women, romantic love and intimate partner violenceKralik, D; Jackson, D; Power, C; Koch, TJournal Article