Author Bartels, Lorana

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
2021Contact experiences and needs of children of prisoners before and during COVID-19: Findings from an Australian surveyFlynn, Catherine; Bartels, Lorana; Dennison, Susan; Taylor, Helen; Harrigan, SusyJournal Article 
2011Crime prevention programs for culturally and linguistically diverse communities in AustraliaResearch in PracticeBartels, LoranaJournal Article 
06_King_indd-v2.pdf.jpg2016Did defensive homicide in Victoria provide a safety net for battered women who kill? A case study analysisBartels, Lorana; Hopkins, Anthony; Easteal, Patricia; King, CharlotteJournal Article 
2021Do survivors feel protected by family violence legislation? Reflections on the Family Violence Act 2016 (ACT) from those with lived experienceWhite, Jessica; Easteal, Patricia; Bartels, Lorana; Dodd, ShannonJournal Article 
2021Do survivors feel protected by family violence legislation? Reflections on the Family Violence Act 2016 (ACT) from those with lived experienceEasteal, Patricia; Bartels, Lorana; Dodd, Shannon; White, JessicaJournal Article 
2021Do survivors feel protected by family violence legislation? Reflections on the Family Violence Act 2016 (ACT) from those with lived experienceEasteal, Patricia; Bartels, Lorana; Dodd, Shannon; White, JessicaJournal Article 
2012Domestic violence : how the law treats women who kill a violent partnerEasteal, Patricia; Bartels, LoranaJournal Article 
rip10_(1).pdf.jpg2010Emerging issues in domestic/family violence researchBartels, LoranaJournal Article 
2015How are women who kill portrayed in newspaper media? Connections with social values and the legal systemHolland, Kate; Easteal, Patricia; Bartels, Lorana; Nelson, NoniJournal Article 
2018The importance of understanding the victims' "reality" of domestic violenceMittal, Reeva; Easteal, Patricia; Bartels, LoranaJournal Article 
2010Indigenous women's offending patterns : a literature reviewResearch and Public Policy SeriesBartels, LoranaJournal Article 
2021A jurisdictional collision? Responses to family violence and family law in the ACTWhite, Jessica; Easteal, Patricia; Bartels, Lorana; Dodd, ShannonJournal Article 
2021A jurisdictional collision? Responses to family violence and family law in the ACTEasteal, Patricia; Bartels, Lorana; Dodd, Shannon; White, JessicaJournal Article 
2012Language, gender and 'reality' : violence against womenBartels, Lorana; Bradford, Sally; Easteal, Patricia WeiserJournal Article 
2012Language, gender and ‘reality’: violence against womenBartels, Lorana; Bradford, Sally; Easteal, PatriciaJournal Article 
2022Professional stakeholders' views of the Family Violence Act 2016 (ACT): Has law reform achieved its primary aims?Easteal, Patricia; Dodd, Shannon; Bartels, LoranaJournal Article 
Review_20of_20the_20Family_20Violence_20Act_202016_20Final_20Report.PDF.jpg2021Review of the Implementation of the Family Violence Act 2016 (ACT): Report prepared on behalf of the ACT GovernmentDodd, Shannon; Bartels, Lorana; Easteal AM, PatriciaReport 
2012Violent offending by and against Indigenous womenBartels, LoranaJournal Article 
2016Women prisoners' sexual victimisation : ongoing vulnerabilities and possible responsesEasteal, Patricia; Bartels, LoranaJournal Article