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Record ID: 015fe2d5-5ff6-468f-8e58-687263e9fe78
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Type: Non-Fiction
Title: Police wife : the secret epidemic of police domestic violence
Authors: Hope, Susanna
Roslin, Alex
Keywords: Domestic violence;Personal stories;Intimate partner violence;Police
Year: 2015
Publisher: Golden Inkwell Books
Notes:  Excerpt from author's preface: "This book was a very difficult project—the result of a long and painful but in the end hopeful journey. Many times while writing this book, I questioned
whether this was what I was to do. Sometimes I walked away, drained from reliving the past and wondering if I could continue to reoffend myself. Whenever that happened, something came into my path and moved me forward.

Police Wife is the first investigative book on this topic and the first written in Canada. With it, Alex and I have a goal—helping others understand police family violence and bringing it forward in a comprehensive and studied way that takes into account all sides, including that of police officers."
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