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Record ID: b5047c4d-0c96-4071-8ce6-594d424fa571
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dc.contributor.authorHarned, Melanieen
dc.identifier.citation11 (3), March 2005en
dc.publisherSage Publicationsen
dc.subjectDating violenceen
dc.subjectSexual assaulten
dc.titleUnderstanding women's labeling of unwanted sexual experiences with dating partners: a qualitative analysisen
dc.title.alternativeViolence against womenen
dc.typeJournal Articleen
dc.subject.keywordJournal article/research paperen
dc.description.notesThis article describes the qualitative findings on the way in which women label their unwanted sexual experiences with dates as sexual abuse or assault and the factors that hinder such labelling. Methodology (sample, measures and qualitative data analysis) is provided. Issues of consent, causal attributions and minimisation were found to explain why women did or did not label. Labelling takes place with social support seeking and is a gradual process which may happen over weeks, months or years after the incident. Women who did not label tended to define the incident as less serious than sexual abuse or assault although some indicated that they had felt victimised. Lists summarising why women label with rules of inclusion, why women do not label, the process of labelling, and alternate labels used for unwanted sexual experiences with dating partners are presented.en
dc.identifier.sourceViolence against womenen
dc.subject.anratopicSexual violenceen
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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