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Record ID: 01528f55-7621-4ef9-b6f5-3e78017a463e
Type: Journal Article
Title: When love turns bad: domestic violence in gay and lesbian relationships
Other Titles: Outrage : a magazine for lesbians and gay men
Authors: McQuarrie, Vanessa
Keywords: Protection orders;Health;Gay/lesbian/transgender
Year: 1995
Publisher: Gay Publications Co-operative
Citation: (141), February 1995
Notes:  It is believed that same-sex and heterosexual domestic violence have similar incidence and prevalence. However, external and internal homophobias prevent gay and lesbian people who suffer from abuse to ask for help. Gay men also face the absence of refuges for abused men. It has been found that HIV/AIDS triggers domestic violence; a significant number of patients report experiencing violence inside or outside their home. Perpetrators justify their abuse on grounds of the partner's infidelity or failure to perform certain activities, and the violence usually increases as the health deteriorates. A case study of a gay man with HIV status who obtained an Apprehended Violence Order is mentioned to emphasise the availability of effective responses.
ISSN: 8112169
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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