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Record ID: 97e091c4-bbe9-461c-90ea-29befac442fd
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dc.contributor.authorHird, Myra Jen
dc.identifier.citation23 (1), February 2000en
dc.publisherPublished for the Association for the Psychiatric Study of Adolescents by Academic Pressen
dc.subjectDating violenceen
dc.subjectTheories of violenceen
dc.subjectSexual assaulten
dc.titleAn empirical study of adolescent dating aggression in the U.K.en
dc.title.alternativeJournal of adolescenceen
dc.typeJournal Articleen
dc.subject.keywordJournal article/research paperen
dc.description.notesOne of the first empirical studies of violence in dating relationships carried out in Britain using a sample of secondary school students. Quantitative data indicted that over half the girls and almost half the boys reported one or more forms of aggression in their dating relationships. The study combined quantitative and qualitative data to explore the symmetry of violence theory. While the results suggest some gender symmetry, especially in relation to physical and psychological aggression, sexual aggression was perpetrated much more often by boys. The study also found that context, meaning and gender are crucial in understanding the complexity of violence in dating relationships.en
dc.identifier.sourceJournal of adolescenceen
dc.subject.anratopicSexual violenceen
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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