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Record ID: b52725fd-0a39-4006-b7dd-9f7697b36c20
Type: Journal Article
Title: Assessing PTSD and resilience for females who during childhood were exposed to domestic violence
Other Titles: Child and family social work
Authors: Bang, Eun-Jun
Anderson, Kim M
Keywords: Mental health;Impact on children and young people;Parenting;Workplaces
Year: 2012
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing
Citation: 17 (1), February 2012
Notes:  This US-based study interviewed 68 women who were exposed to domestic violence as children, to explore risks and protective factors as well adult experiences of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). General findings indicated increased levels of adult PTSD were associated with several related factors, including maternal mental-health problems. Additionally, women who had mothers with full-time steady employment indicated stronger resiliency.
ISSN: 1356-7500
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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