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Record ID: b861d5e8-fa02-40cb-b313-58693402b261
Type: Journal Article
Title: Palermo et al. respond to “Disclosure of gender-based violence”
Other Titles: American journal of epidemiology
Authors: Bleck, Jennifer
Peterman, Amber
Palermo, Tia
Keywords: Measurement;Theories of violence
Year: 2014
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Citation: 179 (5), 1 March 2014
Notes:  This brief response to the commentary by Beydoun & Beydoun, “Disclosure of gender-based violence in developing countries”, generally supports the overview of current research provided by Beydoun & Beydoun. However, Palermo et al feel that the question of gender symmetry of intimate partner violence (IPV) in developing countries has not been answered as most research on IPV has been conducted in the developed world and findings may not be directly applicable to the developing world.
Palermo et al suggest that more research is needed to draw conclusions on gender symmetry in the developing world. All authors agree, however, that the severity, range and consequences of IPV are greater for women than for men.
ISSN: 0002-9262
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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