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Record ID: 2d976009-cea9-4990-8485-e6b83d8bfe7c
Type: Journal Article
Title: Prevalence of abuse of women with physical disabilities
Other Titles: Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Authors: Chanpong, Gail
Rintala, Diana H
Young, Mary Ellen
Nosek, Margaret A
Howland, Carol A
Keywords: Disability
Population: People with disability
Year: 1997
Publisher: W.B. Saunders Co.
Citation: 78, December 1997
Notes:  Outlines the methodology and results of a US research project aimed at documenting the prevalence of physical, sexual and emotional abuse of women with physical disabilities, compared to that of the general female population. The article discusses the second phase of the study which focused primarily on differences in incidence of abuse, duration of abuse and women’s relationship with the perpetrator. Argues that although the results suggest no significant differences in the prevalence of abuse in each population group, there is sufficient evidence to support the contention that women with physical disabilities are at a greater risk of abuse perpetrated by health care providers and are more likely to experience abuse for a longer duration. Recommendations for future policy and research are provided.
ISSN: 0003-9993
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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