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Record ID: 2789a336-e646-430f-a6ba-27610af3c6ae
Type: Journal Article
Title: Recontextualising violence : children, 'disability' and gender
Authors: Whiteside, Ruth Keszia
Perry, Della
Keywords: Disability;Impact on children and young people;Representations of women
Population: People with disability
Year: 2002
Publisher: People 1st Programme
Notes:  This article analyses some of the perceptions that normalise and perpetuate violence. Children are hardly considered autonomous individuals with rights. ‘Necessary discipline’ is a form of physical abuse toward children performed with the protection of the law and institutionalised within society. Certain forms of violence are not only accepted, but also promoted. Social pressure for conforming to stereotypes encourages determined behaviours to comply with masculinity/femininity and heterosexuality. Boys who adopt a ‘macho posturing’ and enjoy playing violent games are regarded as normal. Portraits of women as vulnerable and victims of the taken-for-granted male power are also common. Similarly, people with an identified disability are isolated and marginalised because of prejudice. Attitudes surrounded by ignorance fail to realise that several disabilities are caused by violence and that this group is systematically subjected to violence. New languages for making relationships, and teaching moral education and protective behaviours are proposed as a place for beginning to respond to these issues.
Physical description: 26 p.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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