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dc.contributor.authorGattuso, Suzyen
dc.contributor.authorFullagar, Simoneen
dc.identifier.citation1 (3), November 2002en
dc.publisherAuseinet Flinders Universityen
dc.subjectMental healthen
dc.titleRethinking gender, risk and depression in Australian mental health policyen
dc.title.alternativeThe Australian e-journal for the advancement of mental health [electronic [cut]en
dc.typeJournal Articleen
dc.subject.keywordJournal article/research paperen
dc.subject.keywordInvalid URLen
dc.description.notesIn response to the World Health Organization finding that by 2020, depression will be a major worldwide health problem, Australia has developed the National Action Plan for Depression as part of the National Mental Health Strategy, in an effort to reduce the prevalence and impact of depression in Australian society. Fullager and Gattuso critically examine this health policy in light of the fact that women overall are at increased risk of depressive illness, and especially at particular times in their lives. They look at the issue from a governmentality and risk theorist view as well as using a feminist analysis. The former present gender as merely a variable in the incidence of mental illness while strict adherence to a biomedical approach reduces exploration of the social and cultural processes shaping women’s mental health status. A feminist interpretation encompasses a woman’s own experience of depression and acknowledges its importance in her approach to medical treatment. Concludes that the gender blindness of mental health policy needs to be addressed and that public health policy in this area needs to encompass approaches which reflect the social and cultural issues which bear on women’s mental health.en
dc.identifier.sourceThe Australian e-journal for the advancement of mental health [electronic [cut]en
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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