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Record ID: 1138c537-823a-40ec-85a3-db0914d62fb8
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Type: Journal Article
Title: The serious impact and consequences of physical assault
Authors: Fuller, Georgina
Keywords: Australia;Physical violence;Victims / survivors;Service provision
Year: 2015
Publisher: Australian Institute of Criminology
Citation: No. 496
Notes:  The prevention of assault has been a high-profile, long-term concern for government and police agencies. However, while the nature and impacts of certain types of physical violence, such as domestic or sexual assault, have been extensively studied, this is not the case for more traditional forms of physical assault. Understanding the needs of victims of physical assault, particularly in an Australian context, is important in order to ensure that services are adequately able to address these victims' needs.

This paper represents the first research to be published using the Australian Institute of Criminology's Database of Victimisation Experiences; a qualitative database that can be used to better explore the nature and impact of violent victimisation. In this paper, the findings of an analysis of cases of non-domestic, non-sexual physical assault are described. While victims experienced a variety of psychological and physical difficulties as a consequence of assault, this study demonstrates how the impacts often extended into wider aspects of victim/survivors' lives.
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