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dc.contributor.authorMoreton-Robinson, Aen
dc.identifier.citationVol. 26, no. 70en
dc.formatPages 413-431en
dc.titleThe white man's burden: Patriarchal white epistemic violence and Aboriginal women's knowledges within the academyen
dc.title.alternativeAustralian Feminist Studiesen
dc.typeJournal Articleen
dc.subject.keywordInvalid URLen
dc.description.notesIn this article I reveal how texts produced by Aboriginal women scholars signify a racialised and gendered body that functions discursively, as an immediacy of racism in the form of white patriarchal epistemic violence (Lloyd 1991, 74). I demonstrate how this dominant racialised and gendered form of violence is an assertion of power that involves or arises from racialised knowledge by examining Dirk Moses' analysis of 'Indigeneity' via the Northern Territory Intervention (Spivak 1988). © 2011 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.<br/ >Author's Address:<br/ >Queensland University of Technology, United States<br/ >Cited By (since 1996):1Export Date: 7 August 2013Source: Scopus:doi 10.1080/08164649.2011.621175Language of Original Document: EnglishCorrespondence Address: Moreton-Robinson, A.; Queensland University of TechnologyUnited StatesReferences: Govt rolls out income management across NT (2010),, ABC News Available from (accessed 6 July 2010)Allen, T.W., (1994) The invention of the white race. Volume one: Racial oppression and social control, , London: Verso; Applebaum, B., White: On the possibility of doing philosophy in good faith (2010) The centre must not hold: White women philosophers on the whiteness of philosophy, , In: Yancy George, editors Lanham, MD: Lexington; Arbon, V., (2008) Arlathirnda Ngurkarnda Ityirnda: Being-knowing-doing: De-colonising Indigenous Tertiary education, , Tenneriffe: Post Pressed; Behrendt, L., Address to the Indigenous Labor Network (2005),;fileType%3Dapplication%2Fpdf, Available from (accessed 28 July 2011)Behrendt, L., Watson, N., Good intentions are not good enough (2007) Australian Literary Review; Bhabha, H., The other question: Homi K. Bhabha reconsiders the stereotype and colonial discourse (1983) Screen, 24 (6), pp. 18-36; Collins, P.H., Learning from the outsider within: The sociological significance of black feminist thought (2004) The feminist standpoint theory reader: Intellectual and political controversies, , In: Harding Sandra, editors New York: Routledge In; de Beauvoir, S., (1972) The second sex, , London: Penguin; Deloria, J.N.R.V., (1997) Red earth, white lies: Native Americans and the myth of scientific fact, , Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishing; Ford, P.L., (2010) Aboriginal knowledge, narratives and country: Marri kunkimba putj putj marrideyan, , Tenneriffe: Post Pressed; Frankenberg, R., (1993) White women, race matters: The social construction of whiteness, , Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press; GoldBerg, D., (1996) Racist culture: Philosophy and the politics of meaning, , Cambridge, MA: Blackwell; Haraway, D., Situated knowledges: The science question in feminism and the privilege of partial perspective (2004) The feminist standpoint theory reader: Intellectual and political controversies, , In: Harding Sandra, editors New York: Routledge In; Harding, S., Rethinking standpoint epistemology: What is 'strong objectivity'? (2004) The feminist standpoint theory reader: Intellectual and political controversies, edited by Sandra Harding, , New York: Routledge In; Hooks, B., Representations of whiteness in the black imagination (1992) Black looks: Race and representation, , Cambridge, MA: South End Press In; Jordan, W.D., (1968) White over black: American attitudes toward the Negro, 1550-1812, , Chapell Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press; Keen, I., (1988) Being black: Aboriginal cultures in 'settled' Australia, , Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press; Langton, M., Trapped in the Aboriginal reality show (2007) Griffith Review, 19, pp. 1-17; Lloyd, D., Race under representation (1991) Oxford Literary Review, 13 (1-2), pp. 62-94; Martin, K.L., (2008) Please knock before you enter: Aboriginal regulation of Outsiders and the implications for research, , Teneriffe: Post Pressed; McCorquadale, J., Aboriginal identity: Legislative, judicial and administrative definitions (1997) Australian Aboriginal Studies, 2, pp. 24-35; Merlan, F., More than rights (2009) Inside Story, ,, Available from (accessed 12 October 2010); Moore, T., Problematising identity: Governance, politics and the 'making of the Aborigines (2003) Journal of Australian Studies, 27 (80), pp. 177-188; Moore, T., Identity politics: The elephant in the room at the Cape York Institute's Inaugural Conference (2008) Australian Journal of Political Science, 43 (4), pp. 649-665; Moreton-Robinson, A., (2000) Talkin' up to the white woman: Indigenous women and feminism, , St Lucia: University of Queensland Press; Moreton-Robinson, A., Whiteness, epistemology and indigenous representation (2004) Whitening race: Essays in social and cultural criticism in Australia, edited by Aileen Moreton-Robinson, , Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press In; Moreton-Robinson, A., Imagining the good Indigenous citizen: Race wa[cut]en
dc.identifier.sourceAustralian feminist studiesen
dc.description.physicaldescriptionPages 413-431en
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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