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Record ID: a2097e62-f3a9-4ca7-8f43-50f95bcc2569
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Working with men to prevent violence against women : an overview (part one)
Authors: Berkowitz, Alan
Keywords: Dating violence;Perpetrators;Prevention
Categories: Prevention
Year: 2004
Publisher: VAWnet Library, [Harrisburg
Notes:  Discusses men’s role in the prevention of violence against women in the United States and gives an overview of what is effective in men’s prevention, as well as cultural issues in working with men, from the perspective of men who are recipients of anti-violence programmes and from men who provide them. It reviews best practices for involving men and for tailoring programmes for men in general and for particular groups of men. Prevention of violence against women has been based predominantly on literature from the rape prevention field where there has been more research conducted. It notes that effective violence prevention for men recognises the influence that male peer groups have on men’s actions.
Physical description: 8p
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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