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Record ID: fdddee6d-8ad9-4769-834b-419214542c53
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Type: Conference Paper
Title: Elder abuse
Other Titles: Elder Abuse Forum, 26-27 February 2000 [electronic resource]
Authors: Cockerill, Jim
Keywords: Financial abuse;Legal issues;Older people;Community education
Year: 2000
Publisher: Queensland Law Society
Notes:  The Office of the Adult Guardian was created by the Powers of Attorney Act 1998 to protect the rights and interests of people with impaired capacity. This paper discusses the diverse categories of abuse and recommended responses to tackle abuse of older people with impaired capacity met by such office. A significant number of the referrals received involve a complaint about abuse, neglect or exploitation. Even though the legislation allows certain substitute decision-making, it has failed to protect this group from abusive behaviour. However, it is expected that the enactment of the Guardianship and Administration Bill 1999 will resolve the legislative gap. The validity of documents like enduring power of attorney is a constant source of complaint. Unintentionally, the people who prepare or witness the documents participate in the abuse. Nursing homes and hostels also fail to identify financial abuse. Education is considered a key element to prevent and reduce elder abuse.
Physical description: Text and graphics; 9 p.
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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