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Record ID: 3b19af20-0234-4c42-8174-7fb8d404b0e9
Type: Book Chapter
Title: Police body-worn cameras in response to domestic and family violence: A study of police perceptions and experiences
Other Titles: The Palgrave Handbook of Gendered Violence and Technology
Authors: Iliadis, Mary
Flynn, Asher
Tyson, Danielle
Harris, Bridget
Vakhitova, Zarina I.
Keywords: police body-worn cameras
Topic: Policing and legal responses
Categories: Understanding victimisation and perpetration, and their impacts
ANROWS Completed Register of Active Research projects
Year: 2022
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

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Project title

Police body-worn camera technology in response to domestic and family violence: a national study of victim-survivor perspectives and experiences


This project will be the first Australian study to examine the merits, benefits and unintended consequences of police body-worn camera (BWC) technology in response to domestic and family violence (DFV) incidents from the perspectives of victim/survivors nationwide. The project will break new ground by generating much-needed empirical research on the use, efficacy, perceived benefits and limitations of police BWC footage in response to DFV, including its evidentiary use in court proceedings and State responses, for example, in Child Protection and family law matters. The findings, combined with the research findings from the researcher’s pilot study, will provide a strong evidence base for the development of future legal reform, policy and practice, particularly for those jurisdictions seeking to review the impact of BWCs in response to DFV, and on victim/survivors especially.

Funding body

Monash University - Internal department contribution

Project start date

August 2021

Expected completion date

December 2022


Book chapter abstract

Over the last five years, body-worn cameras (BWCs) have been embraced by Australian police agencies as a mechanism to improve responses to domestic and family violence (DFV). Yet, little is known about their use and potential merits in DFV specific applications. Addressing this deficit, we present findings from the first national study exploring BWC use in DFV incidents in Australia. Drawing on 452 survey responses from the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and Western Australian Police Force (WAPOL), this chapter firstly offers insights into the frequency and contexts of BWC use in DFV responses and generalist policing operations. We then examine how demographics and employment history shape officer’s views about the potential for BWCs to transform public perceptions of police levels of transparency and accountability in DFV responses, and public confidence in procedural fairness in police decision-making. Ultimately, we find a high frequency of BWC deployment in DFV incidents in both specialist and generalist policing responses, and that specialist DFV officers were more optimistic about the potential benefits of BWCs than non-specialists. We contend that ongoing investigation of BWCs is essential to review and realise the future impacts of this technology in the aid of justice for victim/survivors of DFV.

ISBN: 9783030837341
Appears in Collections:Book Chapters

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