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Record ID: b8050eb6-f4a3-4421-9d3a-dd98197e32a7
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Type: Chapter
Title: Heteropatriarchy, sexual violence, and sexual fluidity
Authors: Campbell, Alice
Keywords: Sexual Violence;Data and Statistics;LGBTQ+ and/or Intersex People;Gender Relations, Gender Norms, and Attitudes;Impacts of Violence
Topic: Data and statistics
Sexual violence
Population: LGBTQ+ and/or Intersex people
Year: 2022
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Abstract:  This chapter explores the relationship between heteropatriarchy, sexual violence, and sexual fluidity among young Millennial women in Australia. It examines how sexual victimisation both precedes and follows changes in sexual identity away from heterosexuality. Using socio-spatial data collected from over 8,000 women, the research highlights how queer women’s unique positions in a heteropatriarchal order expose them to forms of violence such as prejudice, predation, and punishment. Additionally, it argues that sexual violence may motivate shifts in sexual identity, leading to increased engagement with non-heteronormative relationships. The chapter underscores the need for more qualitative research to understand queer women’s lived experiences of heteropatriarchy and sexual violence.
Appears in Collections:Book Chapters
LGBTQ+ and/or intersex people

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