Subject: Judicial processes

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
2018Addressing family violence : contemporary best practice and community legal centresMertens, Charlotte; Balint, Jennifer; Rose, EvelynReport 
2017An Australian hospital's training program and referral pathway within a multi-disciplinary health–justice partnership addressing family violenceHegarty, Kelsey L; Humphreys, Cathy; Diemer, Kristin; Ross, Stuart; Gyorki, Linda; Maher, Helena; Vye, Penelope; Llewelyn, Fleur; Forsdike, KirstyJournal Article 
2017The development and validation of the child sexual assault victim credibility scale : an instrument to measure laypersons' perceptions of victim credibilityMohebbi, Mohammadreza; Voogt, Ashmyra; Klettke, BiancaJournal Article 
06_King_indd-v2.pdf.jpg2016Did defensive homicide in Victoria provide a safety net for battered women who kill? A case study analysisBartels, Lorana; Hopkins, Anthony; Easteal, Patricia; King, CharlotteJournal Article 
2016Different types of intimate partner violence: an exploration of the literatureWangmann, JaneJournal Article 
2017Domestic and family violence, mental health and well-being, and legal engagementDouglas, HeatherJournal Article 
2016The effectiveness of various restorative justice interventions on recidivism outcomes among juvenile offendersBergseth, Kathleen; Bouffard, Jeffrey A; Cooper, MaishaJournal Article 
07-Hopkins_-Carline-and-Easteal.pdf.jpg2018Equal consideration and informed imagining : recognising and responding to the lived experiences of abused women who killEasteal, Patricia; Hopkins, Anthony; Carline, AnnaJournal Article 
2016Family reports and family violence in Australian family law proceedings: What do we know?Jeffries, Samantha; Field, Rachael; Lynch, Angela; Rathus, ZoeJournal Article 
2016Feminist jurisprudence, the Australian legal system and intimate partner sexual violence: Fiction over factEasteal, Patricia; White, JessicaJournal Article 
ebook2.pdf.jpg2014Handbook on effective prosecution responses to violence against women and girlsUnited Nations Office on Drugs and CrimeReport 
2016Indigenous partner violence, Indigenous sentencing courts, and pathways to desistanceMarchetti, Elena; Daly, KathleenJournal Article 
2018The influence of implicit theories and perceived victim morality on judgments of sexual assaultEvans, Sarah EThesis 
2014The influence of offence severity and risk of re-offence on judgements towards sex offendersShackley, Michaela; Day, Andrew; Weiner, CarlyeJournal Article 
2015Intimate partner violence : the role of risk assessment and information sharingVeale, Rob; Hyman, Eugene MJournal Article 
2017Intimidation, consent and the role of holistic judgements in Australian rape lawSveinsson, Lara; Crowe, JonathanJournal Article 
2015Judicial education for domestic and family violenceTaylor, Annabel; Wakefield, ShelleeReport 
2016Measuring jurors' views on sentencing : results from the second Australian jury sentencing studyFreiberg, Arie; Warner, Kate; Davis, Julia; Spiranovic, Caroline; Cockburn, HelenJournal Article 
NDFVBB-July-2019.pdf.jpg2019National domestic and family violence bench bookAustralasian Institute of Judicial AdministrationElectronic publication 
2020National domestic and family violence bench bookAustralasian Institute of Judicial AdministrationElectronic publication