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Record ID: 8b3982c4-d430-4453-9f2d-61167ced0b6b
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Type: Book Chapter
Title: Intimate partner violence
Other Titles: Broken bodies, broken dreams : violence against women exposed
Authors: United Nations. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Keywords: Health;Human rights;Personal stories;Sexual assault;Cross-cultural;Statistics
Categories: Victims / Survivors
Year: 2005
Publisher: OCHA/IRIN
Notes:  This chapter on intimate partner violence is part of a United Nations monograph which includes a CD-ROM, looking at intimate partner violence experienced by women across the globe through the use of photos and case studies. It highlights some key findings and statistics. Findings from the US, India, Columbia, China and Zambia have confirmed that intimate partner violence is gender-biased (most victims being female). The rates, levels of violence and health impacts are more significant for women than for men. WHO (The World Health Organisation) found that women are most vulnerable to violence in intimate and familial relationships, when men are more likely to be attacked by a stranger or acquaintance. Research from Canada found that women are 3 times more likely than men to be injured as a result of partner abuse, 5 times more likely to need medical attention or hospitalisation, and 5 times more likely to report fearing for their lives. Triggers for violence that are consistent through the world include: perceived disobedience, suspicions of a female partner’s infidelity, questioning a man about money and refusing sex. Violence results when a man believes his wife or girlfriend has breached conventional gender roles so that violence serves to maintain his authority. Religious doctrine and cultural practices that promote proprietary relationships of husbands to their wives also reinforce beliefs that perpetrate partner violence. Intimate partner violence against women is seen as a global human rights violation. The United States Surgeon General in its 1997 report concluded that domestic violence posed the single largest threat to all American women (more than rape, car accidents and mugging combined). The Council of Europe found this type of violence accounts for more deaths and health problems than cancer or traffic accidents. Partner violence is the major cause of death and disability for European women aged 16 to 44. A recent Australian study in Victoria found partner violence is the leading contributor to death, disability and illness. Physical and sexual violence also increases the risk of sexually transmitted infections including HIV. Research from Rwanda, South Africa and Tanzania found that women in violent relationships are up to 3 times at greater risk of contracting HIV. How women responded to the intimate partner violence is also presented in personal stories and narratives.
ISBN: 9789966710802
Physical description: 250 p. : ill. ; 23 x 27 cm. + 1 CD-ROM.
Appears in Collections:Book Chapters

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