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Record ID: 1c8ddfba-4350-4b19-a4c2-3f394459cb2c
Type: Book Chapter
Title: Platform for action
Other Titles: National action plan for the elimination of violence against women
Authors: edited by RAN-PKTP Working Groups
Keywords: Advocacy;Human rights;Community development
Year: 2001
Publisher: Kemitraan Negara dan Masyarakat
Notes:  This chapter provides a background to the National Action Plan for the Elimination of Violence Against Women in Indonesia, an action plan carried out by the State in cooperation with the community to protect women from violence. Key priorities for change that emerged through a series of RAN – PKTP seminars and workshops are highlighted and the resulting Declaration provided. The objectives and aims of the RAN – PKTP are then outlined and each of the plan's strategic sectors is explained briefly. Mechanisms for evaluating the plan's progress and maintaining accountability are also described.
ISBN: 9789799496058
Physical description: xv, 192 p. ; 25 cm.
Appears in Collections:Book Chapters

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