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Record ID: a63db643-9ba0-457a-ae55-44026c3d1e1f
Type: Book Chapter
Title: Dialing 911 in Nuer: gender transformations and domestic violence in a Midwestern Sudanese refugee community
Other Titles: Immigration research for a new century : multidisciplinary perspectives
Authors: Holtzman, Jon D
Keywords: Cross-cultural;Refugee communities
Categories: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse / Migrant / Refugee communities
Year: 2000
Publisher: Russell Sage Foundation
Notes:  Based on a conference held at Columbia University in June 1998 entitled "Transformations: immigration and immigration research in the United States, sponsored by the Committee on International Migration of the Social Science Research Council.
This paper explores the experience of Nuer immigrants in Minnesota as refugees from Sudan’s civil war, from a domestic violence perspective. The author examines the impact of the resettlement process on previous domestic violence patterns within Nuer marriages. Some of the issues discussed are gender relations in the Sudanese context, transformations in gender relations in Minnesota, and gender conflict in the United States. Apparently, disjuncture between Nuer and US approaches to family and domestic violence magnified the consequences of violence in a number of cases.
ISBN: 9780871542601
Physical description: xiv, 491 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Appears in Collections:Book Chapters

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