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Record ID: 4953f680-b9f5-49eb-b1c1-3864ec561430
Type: Book Chapter
Title: Social work with elderly people
Other Titles: In the shadow of the law : the legal context of social work practice
Authors: McDermott, Justin
Brophy, Elizabeth
Ozanne, Elizabeth
Keywords: Older people;Advocacy
Year: 2002
Publisher: Federation Press, Annandale
Notes:  Presents six case studies that social workers might face in their practice with old people, and the legal responses available for each circumstance. The scenarios include professional malpractice, financial abuse, domestic violence, inappropriate discharge from hospital, access to health care and self-neglect. Social and legal perspectives are explored to provide conflict resolution strategies that embrace both approaches. Separation, divorce, intervention orders, counselling and supervision are the alternatives considered for domestic violence situations.
ISBN: 9781862874237
Physical description: xvi, 294 p. ; 24 cm.
Appears in Collections:Book Chapters

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