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Record ID: 3bdf5206-ca7f-4cc9-858f-ff58917abc62
Type: Book Chapter
Title: When partnership is difficult: working with abused mothers of abused children
Other Titles: Issues facing Australian families : human services respond
Authors: Hewitt, Lesley
McHugh, Judith M
Keywords: Impact on children and young people;Child protection
Year: 2000
Publisher: Longman Australia
Notes:  The authors point out that the links between domestic violence and child abuse are often overlooked, thereby engendering adverse consequences. Research suggests that children are more likely to be abused and/or neglected by both of their parents when wife battering is present. Failure to acknowledge that concurrent violence occurs leads to inappropriate protection for the child and the non-abusing parent. Strategies generally rely on the mother to guard the child, ignoring the fact that the partner is also abusing her. The article describes the thought reform process endured by some battered women during their abusive relationships. These women reinterpret their values and reality to accept and identify with their batterers. As a result of these personality changes, women are unable to protect their children. Implications of working with abused mothers are explored.
ISBN: 9780582811737
Physical description: xxiv, 439 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Appears in Collections:Book Chapters

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