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Record ID: 8637a5c8-4e15-4ae8-a9b7-c8ea3218c2d9
Type: Book Chapter
Title: The poverty of services for battered lesbians
Other Titles: Violence in gay and lesbian domestic partnerships
Authors: Renzetti, Claire M
Keywords: Gay/lesbian/transgender;Policy
Year: 1996
Publisher: Harrington Park Press
Notes:  This paper looks at the poverty of services available to lesbian victims of partner abuse and focuses on the services that service providers claim to offer. Through a survey of 1,505 help providers in the US where only 566 responded it was found that the discrepancy between what service providers claimed to offer and actually offered was huge. The paper finishes with recommendations for improving services for battered lesbians.
ISBN: 9781560230748
Physical description: xiii, 121 p. ; 22 cm
Appears in Collections:Book Chapters

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