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Record ID: fb902907-09d6-4597-8cdf-eae9022a2146
Type: Book Chapter
Title: Public policy and prevention of violence against women
Authors: Edmond, Tonya
Schneider, F David
Jonson-Reid, Melissa
Lauritsen, Janet L.
Keywords: Policies;Service provision;Prevention;Intimate partner violence;Violence
Categories: Prevention
Year: 2016
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Notes:  In Prevention, policy, and public health /? edited by Amy A. Eyler, Jamie F. Chriqui, Sarah Moreland-Russell, and Ross C. Brownson
Describes the health impact of violence against women, past and current policy strategies to prevent violence against women, and defines key stakeholders in the use of policy to prevent violence against women.
Appears in Collections:Book Chapters

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