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Record ID: 8c99c713-33b7-4519-9b38-f9a7012692ff
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Type: Non-Fiction
Title: Men as victims of domestic violence : some issues to considerDiscussion paper / Domestic Violence and Incest Resource Centre, Melbourne
Authors: Atmore, Chris
Keywords: Measurement;Men as victims
Year: 2001
Publisher: Domestic Violence & Incest Resource Centre, Brunswick
Citation: No. 2
Notes:  Discussion paper which analyses the current research and methodologies concerning men as victims of domestic violence and research which claims women are as likely as men to be violent in the home. Whilst the issue of men as victims should not be marginalised, the author cautions that sometimes discussion is influenced by particular personal and political considerations. It is acknowledged that women can be perpetrators of violence, which also includes women-to-women violence occurring in lesbian relationships. Suggestions are made for improving methods of data collection to properly assess incidence rates of violence against men in intimate relationships. The author highlights that analysing the significance of other forms of power such as racism, sexuality, class and specific cultural norms is needed to understand men’s experiences of violence and abuse and that men’s experiences should not be viewed within a context of limited notions of masculinity.
ISSN: 1441-0206
Physical description: 70 p. ; 25 cm.
Appears in Collections:Books

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