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Record ID: c63c2b15-dbdd-44eb-82df-b2968a894661
Type: Non-Fiction
Title: Shades of grey - domestic and sexual violence against women : law reform and society
Authors: Carline, Anna
Easteal, Patricia
Keywords: Protection orders;Intimate partner violence;Violence against women;Family law
Year: 2014
Publisher: New York
Notes:  Discusses the need for laws to be looked at holistically. The book investigates the 'hidden gender' of supposedly neutral or objective legal principles that structure the law addressing violence against women. It adopts a feminist perspective discussing ways in which legal responses to violence against women may not reflect womens' experiences. Legislation from Australia, England, Wales, the USA, Canada and Europe to contextualise and critique a range of policy responses.
ISBN: 9780415622172
Appears in Collections:Books

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