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Record ID: c6a4c9fe-5a8f-49af-9e87-05f6af6734f1
Web resource:
Type: Non-Fiction
Title: Use of interpreters in domestic violence and sexual assault cases : a guide for service providers
Authors: Ethnic Affairs Commission of New South Wales
Keywords: CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse);Standards
Year: 2002
Publisher: Ethnic Affairs Commission of New South Wales, Ashfield
Notes:  Provides a general introduction to the role and usage of interpreters and interpreter services in NSW, highlighting some of the reasons language difficulties can pose particular barriers for women who have experienced violence, before focusing specifically on booking and using interpreters in domestic violence and/or sexual assault cases. A summary of available interpreter services across NSW and how they operate is provided and a guide to good practice when working with interpreters is presented, including tips on how to prepare for and conduct an interview with an interpreter. Issues which can arise in relation to specific groups using interpreters are then discussed under the headings of police, State courts, Department of Community Services, non-profit community organisations, Legal Aid Commission, private solicitors, health care services and Community Legal Centres. Systems for dealing with complaints regarding interpreters, and possible problems which might arise in booking interpreters are outlined. The appendices contains a summary of the NSW Government Policy on using interpreters and extracts from the code of ethics to which interpreters are accountable
ISBN: 9780731002832
Physical description: 43 p. ; 25 cm.
Appears in Collections:Books

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