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Record ID: 406e2fb5-aaf4-4070-969e-1331ffed4e0f
Type: Non-Fiction
Title: Pregnant women, violent men : what midwives need to know
Authors: Hunt, Sheila C
Martin, Ann M
Keywords: Pregnancy;Training;Health;Theories of violence
Year: 2001
Publisher: Books for Midwives
Notes:  Developed to assist nurses and midwives in the UK to recognise and intervene in situations of suspected domestic violence, this book provides an overview of research into domestic violence, including prevalence, typology, costs and characteristics, before exploring some of the key theoretical explanations for violence against women. The extent and pervasiveness of domestic violence are illustrated by a discussion of violence across economic classes, age groups, ethnic boundaries and sexual orientations. The various approaches taken by feminists to violence against women are described before the specific issue of domestic violence in pregnancy and childbirth is addressed. Specific intervention strategies and potential barriers to change are then outlined and other sources of support and assistance are suggested. The book concludes by summarising key issues and government responses to domestic violence and makes recommendations for future policy and practice.
ISBN: 9780750652032
Physical description: xv, 204 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Appears in Collections:Books

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