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Record ID: d26d26f1-da61-45e4-9d5f-eedf72552d64
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Type: Non-Fiction
Title: Defences to homicide : issues paper
Authors: McSherry, Bernadette
Farrow, Stephen
Walvisch, Jamie
Keywords: Theories of violence;Legal issues;Homicide
Year: 2002
Publisher: Victorian Law Reform Commission
Notes:  Provides a background to the offence of homicide, its incidence, its victims and the context within which it occurs before presenting a comprehensive overview of the major defences available in criminal homicide cases. Self defence and provocation are examined specifically in relation to confrontational homicides and homicides occurring in the context of sexual intimacy whilst the defences of mental impairment, automatism, diminished responsibility, infanticide, duress, necessity and marital coercion are addressed more generally. The historical development of these defences and the legal processes through which the offence of homicide is prosecuted in the criminal justice system is also discussed and a summary of prosecution outcomes where selected defences were used is provided. The paper concludes by summarising its purpose and identifying the major issues it has attempted to raise as a first step towards rethinking the theoretical basis for defences to homicide and ways in which those defences are framed.
ISBN: 9780957967854
Physical description: x, 129 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Appears in Collections:Books

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