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Record ID: fd04507e-a94f-4b49-9fd0-51603b68613d
Type: Non-Fiction
Title: feel scared when Mum and Dad fight
Authors: McLay, Rhiannon
Rowley, Tess
Keywords: Client resources;Impact on children and young people;Counselling
Year: 2004
Publisher: Centacare & Communities Caring for Kids Coalition, Fortitude Valley
Notes:  see also - Good Practice Database for information about Seen But Not Heard project.
see also - Research and Resources Database for CD 'Seen but not heard'
Objective: This illustrated storybook, produced in Queensland, is a resource that looks at feelings that a child may experience when they live with conflict or violence at home.

Audience / Target Group: The book is intended for childcare services, teachers, counsellors and community workers to use with individuals or small groups of children.

Key messages: The book portrays a range of children in different family settings and contexts, who are struggling with their emotions and feelings in the context of conflict or family violence. Fear, anger, guilt and confusion are some of the feelings described as affecting children. Advice is included on how to manage these emotions with the child and the book suggests people to whom the child may turn to for help and support.

Elements / Resources: It is an illustrated storybook and resource to be used with children. A promotional flyer is included.
ISBN: 9780975716205
Physical description: 30 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Appears in Collections:Books

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