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Record ID: ad52657c-880e-4910-968a-8603373fff48
Type: Non-Fiction
Title: Walking prey : how America's youth are vulnerable to sex slavery
Authors: Smith, Holly Austin
Keywords: Child prostitution - United States;Sex crimes;Sexually abused children;Child trafficking - United States
Year: 2014
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Notes:  "Walking Prey is an academic non-fiction book about the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC), including child sex trafficking, in the United States. Although I do share my personal story in Walking Prey, this book is much more than a memoir. I discuss predisposing factors, community risk factors, and the mindset of "willing victims" (all of which are similar in the UK). A child victim who does not self-identify as such is often referred to as a "willing victim," as was I at age 14 in 1992. In Walking Prey, I discuss the mindset of "willing victims" in order to offer insight to law enforcement, healthcare providers, and other victim advocates. My hope is that such insight will enable professionals to offer all victims compassion and appropriate care.

Although this book was written with law enforcement and health professionals in mind (e.g. I include my police/medical files in the appendices), Walking Prey also offers practical advice and information to parents, teachers, and community members alike. I discuss ideas for aftercare and prevention programs, including programs for media literacy, healthy dating for teens, and access to community resources. Without the involvement of the entire community, CSEC can and will continue to flourish in American communities." [Author's abstract]
Contents:  Before Atlantic City. Are your children at risk?
The "willing victim"
Community risk factors
Advertising to children and teens
Negative messages in popular culture
Violence against women
Atlantic City. The buyers
Control and violence
Traffickers and the rules of trafficking
The "rescue"
After Atlantic City. Immediate aftercare for child victims of commercial sexual exploitation
Intermediate and long-term aftercare
Prevention and advocacy
ISBN: 9781137278739
Physical description: viii, 248 pages ;25 cm
Appears in Collections:Books

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