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Record ID: f1d28068-92c2-44c3-bbfa-ef6e8ddd3730
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Type: Non-Fiction
Title: Innovations in interventions to address intimate partner violence : research and practice
Authors: Scott, Katreena
Tutty, Leslie M
Augusta-Scott, Tod
Keywords: Perpetrator programs;Intimate partner violence;Perpetrators;Interventions
Topic: Perpetrator interventions
Year: 2017
Publisher: Routledge
Notes:  Looks at what can be done to effectively intervene to end intimate partner violence against women. Including contributions from both researchers and practitioners, chapters describe service innovations across systems in large urban and remote rural contexts, aimed at majority and minority populations, and that utilize a range of theoretical perspectives to understand and promote change in violence and victimization.
ISBN: 9781138692268
Appears in Collections:Books

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