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Record ID: 06e45d16-ba27-4e35-8db5-500d699dffb9
Type: Non-Fiction
Title: Policing and prosecuting sexual assault : inside the criminal justice system
Authors: Spohn, Cassia
Tellis, Katharine
Keywords: Sex crimes;Policing;Law;United States;Criminal justice responses
Year: 2014
Publisher: Lynne Rienner Publishers
Notes:  "The authors draw on unparalleled access to Los Angeles detectives, prosecutors, and case files to make sense of the factors that affect the outcomes of sexual assault claims. Following cases from victim report, to police investigation, to the decision to charge—or not to charge—they provide new insights into why shockingly few sexual assault claims lead to an eventual criminal conviction."
ISBN: 9781626370241
Physical description: ix, 246 pages ; 24 cm.
Appears in Collections:Books

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