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Record ID: a51d105b-5deb-4279-8ec8-2490ca705c18
Type: Non-Fiction
Title: Real rape, real pain : help for women sexually assaulted by male partners
Authors: Easteal, Patricia
McOrmond-Plummer, Louise
Keywords: Sexual assault
Year: 2006
Publisher: Hybrid Publishers, Ormond
Notes:  Real Rape, Real Pain:is a healing/resource book for survivors, supporters and professionals in the fields of counselling and advocacy internationally. It draws on the experiences and voices of 30 survivors of partner rape from Australia, North America, Canada and the UK.

This book tackles the reality of rape within intimate relationships; it forces us to confront the hidden violence in our society. It challenges the silence and secrecy about relationship rape. As the authors say, ‘Violence is about using power and control, not about being out of control. There is no excuse for relationship violence ever.’

The book seeks to change the rape culture and to help survivors. Chapters cover identifying rape in relationships, women at risk, staying with a partner who has raped you, sexuality after partner rape, a safety plan, and numerous other issues related to partner rape.
ISBN: 9781876462437
Physical description: xviii, 345 p. ; 24 cm.
Appears in Collections:Books

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