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Record ID: fe7b457f-df85-46b2-aebb-1fb8052f544a
Type: Non-Fiction
Title: Enough
Authors: Hughes, Patricia
Keywords: Personal stories;Stalking
Year: 2004
Publisher: Spinifex Press, North Melbourne
Notes:  A first-person account of a woman’s experience of violence in a relationship of eighteen months, and of her coming to recognise that the violence was an issue of her partner’s control over her rather than an inevitable outcome of his childhood experiences. The author describes the “grooming” which drew her into the relationship, the violence and the increasing brainwashing, confusion and depression which affected her life and the lives of her two young sons. She describes the increased danger and being stalked by her partner after she leaves the relationship, as well as varying responses of professionals to her as she attempts to seek safety. The time of writing is ten years after these events; the author relates her current life of happiness and safety and contrasts this with her adult experience of violence and her childhood of abuse and abandonment.
ISBN: 9781876756406
Physical description: 253 p.
Appears in Collections:Books

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