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Record ID: 8669db07-75f5-40a9-84a1-8e50d6e77c8e
Type: Non-Fiction
Title: National action plan for the elimination of violence against women
Authors: edited by RAN-PKTP Working Groups
Keywords: Human rights;Community development;Advocacy
Year: 2001
Publisher: Kemitraan Negara dan Masyarakat
Notes:  Compiled following the launch of the National Action Plan for the Elimination of Violence Against Women in Jakarta, Indonesia, November 2000, this book draws together key documents including the welcoming speech by the State Minister for Women's Empowerment, the speech delivered by the State Coordinating Minister for Politics, Social and Security Affairs and a summary of notes from the strategic sector discussions on each of the sectors identified in the action plan – Sosio Culture, Education, The Media, Employment, Law and Health. The bulk of the text outlines the National Platform for Action for the elimination of violence against women and the 2001-2005 Action Plan but several chapters also deal with discussions relating to funding, accountability, regional autonomy and a summary of notes from regional consultations.
ISBN: 9789799496058
Physical description: xv, 192 p. ; 25 cm.
Appears in Collections:Books

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